Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Research and planning - advert: Identifying conventions and analysing existing adverts

The purpose of an advert:

  • Including key information about the release dates to keep the audience aware
  • A generic form of synergy
  • A way to promote the artist
  • To appeal to the music industry and in turn become more noticeable, linked with promoting artist but on a wider scale

Generic conventions within an advert:

  • Album title
  • Artist name
  • Release date
  • Important, popular singles
  • Where it can be streamed
  • PA logo in the case that there is explicit content

Example - Adele - 21

Main artist: The main artist is meant to be the centre of attention within the advert. The advert is the promotion of the artist rather than the album, this can be done through the close-up of the artist revealing Adele to the audience. 

Lighting and Colour: The use of a backlighting and low-key lighting allows the artist to stand out more. Additionally, the use of black and white as a shade allows the artist to stand out and helps convey a message that there is a gloomy theme aimed at the audience.

Typography: The font is quite simple, however, it also stands out amongst the dark background as the text is in white and a dark shade of lime green. 

Information: The advert only has relevant information and isn't overly detailed as well. The advert only tells key information which is the artist name, album title and shows an image of the artist.

Layout: The layout itself is quite simple with the artist and the album title at the top, with 'Adele' centered next to it, closer to the album title. Also, note that the artist and album name are right next to eachother, making it 'Adele21'. The layout is designed to appeal to the audience and being simple as possible helps the advertisement to be more efficient and effective.

Hebdige Subcultures: The advert is conventional and is an indication of Popular Culture, rather than niche subcultures. However, because of the presentation of the adverts, there are hints that some of the singles included may subvert conventional Pop, something that can appeal to subculture audiences.

Our planned ideas:

  • Keep the layout simple, as it is basically appealing to the audience
  • Keep the information basic and minimal, however, at a level high enough to ensure the relevant information is included
  • Typography will need to be clear, and understood
  • Conventional and a visual appeal to the masses

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