Thursday, 11 May 2017

Planning: Characters

Name: Emeka

Ethnicity: Black British or African

Gender stereotypes of the role: Emeka will take on the role of the main character, portrayed as a young, humble rapper aware of the fame yet keeping it locked in the closet and not letting it get to his head and we will show this within the music video, his humble attitude. Emeka will be performing throughout the song, displaying to the audience that he is the main character, however his interactions with the second character within the chorus and other scenes will be used to depict that he isn't entirely robbing the limelight.

Costume: Our characters costume will change throughout the video, as he will be initially wearing light, fashionable and formal attire while also keeping it as modern as possible to fit the bill of a modern day Hip-Hop artist. Colour co-ordination will often be dark colours such as black, navy blue and brown amongst others, this will be used to keep to the roots of the genre.

Body language and Facial expression: The body language of our artist will vary within the video, as he will be engaging in various movements, e.g. dancing. Aswell as this, the facial expression we would like him to take in as a performer will be enthusiasm, happiness and joy, this may also differ and match the lyrics.

Role within the music video: The role we are aiming for with our artist will be to portray to the audience and music/media industry that our character is attempting to give Hip-Hop a positive image, taking a step from the conventional themes of modern Hip-Hop. And by making him the centre of attraction, we hope to achieve this. With the second character involved also, we hope to use the both of them to further make this target a success.

Name: Kayne

Ethnicity: Black Caribbean

Gender stereotype of role: Kayne has been selected to take on the role of a professional young singer, also personally good friends with the main character further enhancing the bond behind the screens, allowing for a smooth partnership on screen.

Costume: Our character will be wearing a slim bomber jacket and formal shirt, that of a businessman, yet with a shade of urban fashion sense. This is down to audiences having a conventional expectation of the fashion sense of an artist, something they look at to emulate and in turn dress like their favourite artist. We will also get him to try and be fashionable for sections where he may be dancing, therefore suitable attire would be dark clothing, a jumper and track suit bottom during this, as it is seen as conventional due to its common demeanour of a fashionable and attractive appearance.

Body language and Facial expression: The body language of our artist will be a hope of constant flexibility, and loosening due to the fact he will be moving about a lot with his dancing and acting. This will be assisted with his serious, yet joyful and enthusiastic facial expressions. Nothing to suggest the negative artist image we are attempting to avoid.

Role within the music video: Kayne's role within the music video is the featured artist who provides essentially the vocals for the chorus, the spoken words, or moreover the rapping sections are voiced by the main character. He will need to be able to lip-sync correctly the chorus, in different locations also in order for our video to be of the highest quality specifically for his hook in the music video. 


The appointment of these characters was made this way because of our attention to detail on the current/modern needs of society in terms of music. The audience don't want to see a scruffy artist, they want to see fresh artists performing a really good song to them, that way they can improve the attention span, and ensure the audience enjoys their music video experience.   

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