Sunday, 14 May 2017

Planning: Initial ideas

With the formation of the group, the three of us, we were then handed the task of coming up with an idea as a finale, for it to become our groups final idea. We had to take everything into consideration, then using all that knowledge to generate atleast a suggestion on what to do and what can be done. However, although there's three of us in a group, only two of us had an initial idea.

I initially had the first idea as I am full of different ideas, different paths to take, what to do and how to make it work. Due to the decent success of my AS short thriller, I felt like it would help me with forming a really good plan in my head. As the song I chose had no video to it, i felt making my own music video would not change the perspective of it, or the message I had tried to portray.

Song: MKA - Voices

Genre: Grime, Rap, UK Hip-Hop

(Narrative) Structure: Concept, Performance and Narrative

Narrative: The video will open with a violinist walking into a dark room, straddling his violin by his side without letting even a whisker brush against the outer skin of it. He will have headphones on his head to make it out that he is listening to music, essentially at a very loud volume to block out unwanted disturbances. Then as he is setting up his violin to play with other musicians to the attending audience, something the camera doesn't pick up yet, the music progresses to male and female choir voices producing back up harmonising to his music. Yet while he is playing with his headphones he is unaware of these noises, until he takes them off near the end of his performance to realise it isn't coming from the audience or the backing instrumentalists but from inside his own head, as it was revealed at the very end of the video, that the headphones were not plugged into a device. However, the only performance related part of the music video, would have been when the violin was performing towards the audience with the other instrumentalists on stage.

Concept: The concept is hidden within the narrative, as the idea that the voices that come through in the video are all in his head 

A Caucasian male who plays the violin towards a crowd, bar the instrumentalist as they are not identifiable characters. Stereotypical would it be that males of the Caucasian ethnicity are more identifiable within the media to have mental issues, as it is more addressed in films and music videos.

Mise En Scene:

Setting: An auditorium. This is conventional for classical and opera music more noticeably, making it more creepy for a hip-hop performance. 

Lighting and Colour: The only lighting planned was a spotlight on the main character, while a dim to no light for the crowd. Low-key lighting on the backing instrumentalists was an idea to show that the bass guitarist is the main character. No colour use was really intended as the setting of the auditorium would have been kept the same, with maybe making curtains or furniture a red, burgundy colour, the colour of rage or loyalty, further confusing the audience.

Body Language and Facial Expression: His body language at the start would have been calm, to suggest nothing of the ordinary. However, i initiated the idea that my character would begin to feel agitated and uncomfortable more as the performance went on, with his facial expression going from calm and relaxed, to confused and fearful.

Applications of Theory:

Aristotle - Themes of mental issues amongst the youth culture in the current society is common, and can withstand clear representation as sometimes it goes unnoticed due to the individuals body language and lack of communication.

Todorov - The structure is clear, there is a start, middle and end. The audience will be able to dissect the video and understand that this is the case.

Goodwin - Close ups, and mid-shots of the character will be key to making sure the audience focus on just the main character, this way they can analyse the reverse psychology that because he has gone unnoticed by others, by the camera focusing on him for the majority of the video, it is a 'fightback'.


  • It will be easy to get an audience to watch a performance
  • The equipment and instruments needed for the video are easily accessible
  • The characters needed for the video can be made possible


  • Getting an auditorium to perform in will be rather unlikely or impossible, unless a payment was made
  • To get a crowd to fill the entire auditorium would have been rather difficult.
This idea, plus Gulustan and maybe Elliott's idea will be key in ensuring we have a final idea together as a group and something we could all agree on. This would have been a good idea if the disadvantages were not greater than the advantages, the mise en scene needed to apply such a dark yet bright twist to the music video would have to be of the highest quality and accuracy to pull off my idea.

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