Thursday, 27 April 2017

Planning: Editing

There are very few parts of the post-production process of a media product, that can affect its success and feedback. With editing there are various editing techniques to manufacture a product capable of responding well to critical feedback and audience expectation. We had to watch over the shot images and analyse what different editing techniques went well with the scene, the music and the image, so that it enabled us as a group to agree on the same ideas. Other artists have used different editing techniques to establish a strong link with the video and the music, they make it so that the different changes and graphics enforce such an enhancing experience for the audience.

Fast Paced Editing 
With the recording of the music video set at a normal pace, we will to ensure that the editing matched this speed too. And as we have an editor within our group, his task will be to ensure that this was made possible, the nature of the lyrics and upbeat tempo of the song meant linking the video to the song for the lip-syncing to be precise meant that it will be an even harder task for our team editor, but with a close analysis of other music videos and enough time spent in the editing room we will expect it to be on point. All of this can be done in Final Cut Pro with ease, with the link to LP X, we can seamlessly edit the captured images and recordings to match the song.

Jump Cut
As a group, using jump cuts at several sections of the music video to allow for this constant ideology that seamless editing makes music videos smoother, was an easy decision for us. Because the recordings we have were all linked, we then deemed it to fit to link them using jump cuts among many other cuts, however, we felt jump cuts were the most necessary to keep the music video clean. Additionally there are several parts of the song that felt quite innocently dramatic which will allow for us to use a jump cut to initiate this action. 

Slow Editing/Reverse Editing
With the idea for our music video in mind, it will make sense to add slow editing to the video, as it can slow down a fast recording, yet stay in time and still look exciting to the audience. With using Final Cut Pro X, our editor can then take the selected shot and change the concept behind the shot without re-shooting, allowing the audience to look at it from a different perspective but still experience the same vibe they would if the clip wasn't altered.
With seeing other music videos using reverse editing, I anticipate that including it within our own music video without making it obvious would enable it to give off a reflective response rather than keeping the editing simple. Reverse editing is a very slick editing technique and with attempting to add it to the music video, we may be able to generate such a vibe that it will make our target audience respond in awe and reiterated positivity. 

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